Curtis Cripe: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System

18 Oct

Curtis Cripe is a NeuroEngineer with expertise in Behavioral Medicine and Neuroscience. He has published on the subject, most recently as a featured author to Psychology’s New Design Science: Theory and Research, published in July 2014 and available as a paperback and as an e-book.

He has written extensively about neuroengineering, including an article called “Effective Use of LENS Unit as an Adjunct to Cognitive Neuro-Developmental Training,” which was published simultaneously in the Journal of Neurotherapy and LENS: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System.

Dr. Curtis Cripe’s article describes three case studies where the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) was used to supplement neurotherapy and neuro-development training to help subjects overcome cognitive and developmental issues. He writes that applying neuro-developmental exercises and LENS training reduced the treatment time in his clinic for certain conditions, such as Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. “The LENS training actually seems responsible for allowing other forms of treatment to take place,” Curtis Cripe wrote.

The first case study involved a set of four and a half year old twins with developmental delay and autistic spectrum. The second case involved a twelve year old boy with ADD and food allergies, while the third case involved a forty-three year old woman who had sustained a mild head injury and significant visual and auditory processing problems.

Curtis Cripe has a PhD and a master’s degree in health psychology and behavioral medicine from NorthCentral University. He had an earlier career as an aerospace engineer. He received a master’s degree in engineering and a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from California State Polytechnic University.


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